Indian Crime Data Analytics and Prediction

The paper presents an efficient analysis that detects aspects of criminal occurrences, providing a combinatorial incident description schema that will assist police in detecting patterns and trends for forecasting new crime, establishing relationships, and probable explanations. Furthermore, it will provide analysis between to time frame which will provide the officer more clear idea about which statergy is more effective in that area.

STATUS: Work in Progress

Efficient Vaccine Scheduler base on CPU Scheduling Algorithms

This paper presents an efficient algorithm for scheduling vaccination process which is based on the CPU scheduling algorithms of an operating system. The ranking system is based on the concept that health care personnel should be given higher priority, followed by front-line workers, major healthcare patients, elderly people, and finally the general public. This is the category in the dataset, the higher the importance of the person who needs to be vaccinated, the better the score

STATUS: Accepted and Presented at AIMV 2021 and will be published in IEEE Digital Library

Research Paper
Diabetes Prediction using Stacking Classifier

We stacked 6 classifiers, namely Support Vector Machine, artificial Neural Network Classifier, Logistic Regression Classifier, Decision Tree Classifier, Random Forest Classifier and Gaussian Naive Bayes Classifier, into a single model, which as a whole, uses Logistic Regression Classification on these 6 basic hyperparameter tuned models, to predict diabetes using some features of a person’s health.

STATUS: Accepted and Presented at AIMV 2021 and will be published in IEEE Digital Library

Research Paper